Archive | 11:24 pm

5 signs you’ ve had a crappy parenting day

13 Dec
  1. You try to convince your child (who has woken up at 10:00) that she needs to get down for a nap at 13:00 no, not an infant, a toddler who gets 12-13 hours of uninterrupted sleep during night time
  2. Your child, who has not turned yet 3, approaches you with caution and asks you: mami, have you calmed down? every other hour
  3. You use any excuse in the book of a desperate stay at home parent (ironing, laundry, cooking, cleaning) when asked to paper craft with them all the remaining Christmas presents. There is so much crafting one can do throughout the day.
  4. When your younger child goes down the stairs repeating the same sentence 10 times in a row: ok mami, I am disappearing now only to have the older child repeat it himself just to ensure that mami heard it the first 10 times.
  5. When the older child tells you during bedtime: mami I STILL love you endlessly no matter what




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